Trying to fall asleep and being unable to is a frustrating feeling. Tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable sleep position can sometimes just make it worse. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to help yourself get to sleep and have a restful night.
Sleep in a Cooler Environment
One of the easiest ways to get yourself to fall asleep faster is to turn the room’s temperature down a bit. Studies have shown that cooler temperatures allow us to fall asleep faster and to sleep more deeply.
The reason this works is thought to be that our body temperature tends to naturally drop as our circadian rhythms get close to the sleep phase. This temperature drop tends to remain lower until a few hours before your typical wake up time.
Calm Your Mind and Focus on Breathing
Your breathing patterns have an impact on your autonomic nervous system. This system regulates your heart rate, motivation levels, muscle tension, and other aspects of excitement or relaxation.
When you breathe shallow and rapid breaths, you might experience a sense of anxiety. On the contrary, when you breathe slowly and deeply, you can experience feelings of calmness. When you lay down at night, try to focus on taking slow, deep breaths.
Upgrade Your Mattress
While a mattress upgrade can be an expensive solution to this problem, it might make a huge difference in your sleep patterns. It is a good idea to go to a store to get a feel for different mattress types. Everyone is different, so there is no perfect mattress that fits everyone’s needs. Test out some mattresses to see if a firmer (or softer) mattress might be best for you.
Tharros House is a sober living community that helps its residents continue to live a restful, sober lifestyle. If you are interested in learning more, reach out to us today.