If you consume alcohol regularly, you may be wondering just how this substance affects your body. Alcohol can affect your body in many different ways. Some of these ways are immediately noticeable, while other changes to your body can occur over a more extended period of time.
The Short-Term Impact of Alcohol on Your Body
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. This means that alcohol slows down functions of the body and mind. Some of the immediate effects of consuming alcohol include slurred speech, nausea and vomiting, injuries, difficulty breathing, loss of coordination, altered emotions, poor vision, and loss of consciousness.
When you consume alcohol, it affects your vision, judgment, coordination, reaction time, ability to multitask, ability to sleep, and decision-making skills. For these reasons, it can negatively impact your ability to do things like drive a car or complete other tasks that are easy for you to manage while sober.
The Long-Term Impact of Alcohol on Your Body
Over time, continued alcohol consumption can lead to serious adverse effects on the body. Since alcohol can affect how your brain functions, continued use and abuse of this substance can lead to permanent brain damage and contribute to mental health disorders.
Another part of the body that can be permanently damaged due to excessive alcohol consumption is the liver. Consuming large amounts of alcohol can result in fibrosis, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and steatosis. Increased alcohol consumption over time can also negatively impact your pancreas, your heart, and numerous other parts of the body.
Tharros House
When you commit to living a sober lifestyle, moving into a sober living home can help you continue to achieve your sobriety goals. Tharros House in the Boston, Massachusetts, area is an excellent choice for individuals who are interested in living in a sober house among others who are also at this same stage in their lives. Contact us today to find out more about what we have to offer.