Group of friends at beach laughing while staying sober in Boston, Massachusetts.

Best Ways to Stay Sober

Recovery is a lifelong journey. Relapses are common, especially in the first few years of sobriety. However, there are many things you can do to help maintain your sobriety. Staying sober takes hard work and time, but finding the “real you” and building a life you can be proud of is worth persevering through the tough times.

How to Stay Sober

1. Identify Your Triggers

One of the best things you can do for yourself when trying to remain sober is to identify your own personal triggers. Triggers can include people, places, items, situations, or anything else associated with your substance abuse. When you know more about the specific challenges that you face, you can start working on techniques to avoid or combat them.

2. Stay Away from Your Old Habits and Old Routines

To stay sober, it is a good idea to avoid locations and people associated with the substance you used to be addicted to. For example, if you were addicted to alcohol and are now sober—you can help yourself stay that way by avoiding bars and staying away from your former “drinking buddy” types of acquaintances.

3. Build a Structured Schedule

Another way you can work on your sobriety is to create a structured schedule for your life and daily routines. You can do this by finding a job, signing up for a class to learn more about a particular hobby, joining a gym and starting to work out in the mornings, or even attending group meetings with others who are also navigating recovery.

4. Find Positive Support Networks

Positive support networks can be extremely valuable when it comes to sobriety.  You can join support groups for newly sober individuals, find a mentor to help you navigate building a sober lifestyle, or even just make new friends who share your interests and desire to remain sober.

Tharros House in Massachusetts

Living in a sober living home is also a great step toward continued sobriety. Sober living homes have many benefits, including helping residents with all of the above methods of staying sober. Reach out to us today at 617-249-1087 for more details on what Tharros House has to offer.

Woman in yoga clothes meditating to battle addiction in park.

Does Meditation Help with Addiction?

Meditation has been found to support addiction recovery since it can help you feel calm, cope with triggers, and ultimately, help you to avoid a relapse. Although meditation cannot wholly replace a full addiction treatment program with professional medical support, it can still be a helpful tool.

Many rehabilitation facilities include mindfulness and meditation as therapy techniques. Whether you are currently battling an addiction, in treatment, or have been sober for many years, practicing meditation can be incredibly beneficial for your recovery.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a mind and body activity that is intended to promote feelings of calmness and relaxation. It can also help people improve their well-being and cope with illnesses.

You can begin meditating by sitting comfortably in a quiet environment. Next simply and effortlessly notice your thoughts as they come and go, allowing internal and external distractions to pass by without assessing them. Meditation may also involve deep and purposeful breathing during times of stress.

There are two main types of meditation. These types include guided meditation and unguided meditation. To practice guided meditation, a trained meditation or mental health professional will guide you through the session and work with you. Unguided meditation simply refers to meditation that is practiced on your own.

How Does Meditation Help Someone with an Addiction?

For those dealing with drug and alcohol addictions, everyday stressors can be challenging to cope with and may even contribute to a relapse. Multiple studies have concluded that mindful meditation can reduce certain symptoms like anxiety, depression, poor sleep, and drug cravings. Meditation can also help people feel more aware of their thoughts and have better control over their emotions.

Compassion with Meditation

As you begin to simply allow thoughts and distractions to come and go, you may notice all kinds of wanted and unwanted thoughts / emotions. This is completely normal. It is important to keep an open mind no matter what comes up, and understand that there are people everywhere experiencing very much the same thing.

By sitting and allowing without getting involved, it is allowing your mind and body to activate its natural healing capabilities. Much of the excess thoughts and feelings are simply reverberations of past experiences, so this sitting meditation allows all of the noise to pass by. At first it may seem daunting, but as with anything, practice makes perfect.

Sober Living at Tharros House

Tharros House is a sober living community located near Boston, Massachusetts. Sober living communities are a great place for sober individuals to thrive and continue working on their sobriety among peers who share similar goals. Contact us today so that we can help you decide if our sober living community is right for you.

Importance of Structure for Addiction Recovery in Massachusetts Squares

Why is Structure So Important for Addiction Recovery?

You have likely heard that structure is an important aspect of addiction recovery. The importance of structure for addiction recovery cannot be overstated. Structure helps to treat the underlying issues that contribute to addiction.

Structure Helps Treat Addiction Behaviors

When people suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, they have developed certain behaviors and ways of thinking. Whether they realize it or not, these behaviors and ways of thinking enable their addictions and discourage healthy habits.

Many addicts who seek treatment choose to because their lives have become too difficult and unmanageable due to their addictive behavior. When someone has an addiction, it becomes hard for them to prioritize things other than obtaining and using the addictive substance.

For this reason, their addiction causes them to create new habits that are stronger than their old ones. The new habits and compulsions cause their lives to become more chaotic and disordered. Sober living homes often focus on providing structure back into the lives of residents. This structure helps to put a former addict onto a path toward healthier habits, thoughts, and actions.

Structure Helps Combat Stress and Anxiety

Many people who struggle with drug dependency have dealt with a lot of uncertainty. They may have even faced dangerous and risky situations. With a structured and safe recovery program, these individuals can remove some of the pressures from the outside world. They can now feel at ease to begin the hard work of self-reflection.

Structure Promotes Long-Term Recovery

Addiction can cause long-term changes in the brain that affect behavior, attitudes, and thinking habits. It is not easy to simply change these patterns. To continue with sobriety, a sober person must apply what they learned in recovery treatment to a long-term lifestyle.

One way to do this is to live in a sober living home. The Tharros House in Massachusetts offers many benefits to its residents. Contact us today on our website or call (617) 249-1087 to learn more.

controlling addictive urges cigarette

Controlling Addictive Urges

One of the difficult parts of addiction recovery is controlling addicting urges. The good news is that as time goes on, these cravings and urges will decrease in frequency and strength over time. You can help yourself to control addictive urges through the use of coping strategies that work for you.

The Acceptance Method

One way you can control these urges is simply by accepting that the urges are normal and to be expected. It is important to learn to accept discomfort as part of the recovery process. You must teach yourself that these urges will pass. When you have accepted that these urges will happen, you can have an alternative activity in mind.

The Escape Method

Another way to work on control here is to remove yourself from the triggering situation. For example, if you are in a bar with friends and feel the urge to drink, it is time to leave. If there is an ad for alcohol on TV, change the channel. Just the simple act of escaping this trigger will allow you to focus your mind on something new and help lessen the urge.

The Substitution Method

When you start to feel an urge, try to substitute an activity or thought that is fun and more beneficial. Go out and take a walk or partake in another form of exercise. You can also try to pick up a new book to read or turn on new music to listen to. The possibilities for substitution are endless. Think about and write down some ideas so that you have a list on hand to choose from when an urge happens.

These methods are some ways you can control your addictive urges. To learn more about sober living facilities, contact us today at The Tharros House. We can help you continue on your path to recovery from your addiction.

Celebrating Relief from Addiction Boston Massachusetts

You Are Not Alone in Your Addiction

While sometimes it may feel like you are alone, it is important to remember that you are not alone in your addiction. There are many people all over the world who are struggling with the same issues you are. According to the Huffington Post, 14 million Americans have problems associated with drinking. Millions more Americans are battling addictions to drugs or other substances.

Reframing the Way That You See Yourself

It is common for those suffering from substance abuse addictions to have negative feelings about themselves. Instead of allowing yourself to get caught up in these feelings, focus on reframing your thoughts. Think about how you are a person working through recovery and doing your best to overcome your addiction. A good way to begin reframing your thoughts from negative to positive is to listen to positive daily affirmations.

Networking with Those in Similar Situations

It is often helpful for recovering addicts to speak with others who have recovered from a similar addiction or who are in the same place in their journey to full recovery. Someone who has been in your shoes will tend to be less judgmental about things that you may worry about discussing with others. It may also be beneficial to you and your self-esteem to give advice to others and help guide them in their recovery.

Once you have begun the recovery process, a great way to stay on track with your recovery is to stay in a sober living home. The Tharros House is a sober living home for men in Massachusetts. It offers its residents support through morning meetings during the weekdays, along with a Sunday evening meeting. Tharros House also offers 24/7 peer-to-peer recovery support. You may also participate in cooking classes, and other regular activities at the Tharros House. Contact us today to learn more about what the Tharros House has to offer you.

Mindfulness for Addiction Recovery Boston Massachusetts

Mindfulness and Addiction

Mindfulness is generally understood as a state of mental focus and awareness that is used in meditation practices. More recently, it has become a popular aspect of cognitive behavioral therapy and has been used to help with addiction recovery.

What Exactly is Mindfulness?

When you are practicing mindfulness, you become aware of your inner self and your external surroundings. While engaged in mindfulness, you are focused on your responses to things that are going on around you in that present moment. The main goal of mindfulness is for you to become aware of your surroundings and feelings without getting attached to what you are experiencing in the moment.

Mindfulness itself is not difficult; however, it does require some self-discipline. When practicing mindfulness, it is important to bring your focus only to what is presently happening around you.

How Can Mindfulness Help with Addiction Recovery?

While mindfulness seems like a simple concept, it does require focus. It can help people who are working on recovery from addiction because it forces them to slow down and achieve a sense of tranquility and calmness. As you practice mindfulness during your recovery, you will be able to appreciate things that you did not notice before while engaging in substance abuse. When you allow yourself to slow down and take in the wonderful experiences that life has to offer to all of your senses, it can help you want to stop seeking out pleasure through your past addictive behaviors.

Mindfulness can also help you with recovery in that it can make you more aware of your reactions to what is happening around you. When you become more aware of this, you can start to better understand your own feelings and your own mind. This can help you stay in control of your mind moving forward and be less likely to return to substance abuse.

Another way you can work through the recovery process is to live in a sober living home. At Tharros House, we offer our residents many benefits as they work through recovery. Contact us today to learn more.

Bananas for Sober Living in Boston Massachusetts

Nourishing Your Body During Recovery

Recovering from addiction can be a difficult process. While it is always worth it in the end, your body may need some time to adjust to the changes that sobriety brings. It is important to nourish your body throughout the recovery process. This includes eating healthy foods that can help restore nutrients in your body.

Three Foods to Eat for Nourishment During Recovery

Bananas – One of the best foods to eat while in recovery from addiction to alcohol or other substances is bananas. This is because people who have abused alcohol or drugs in the recent past tend to be low on magnesium and potassium. These are electrolytes which help to regulate your blood pressure, muscles, nerves, and heartbeat. When you have electrolyte deficiencies, you can experience weakness, muscle cramps, and fatigue. Bananas are a great source of both magnesium and potassium and can help you replenish your electrolytes.

Broccoli – Broccoli is another food that can help nourish your body while you recover from your addiction. Many years of substance abuse can cause lasting damage to your liver. In order to obtain maximum nutritional benefits from the food you eat, you need to have a liver that is functioning optimally. Broccoli is a food that can help cleanse and repair your liver.

Potatoes – Another great food to consume for extra nourishment throughout your path to recovery is potatoes. Potatoes are a good source for complex carbohydrates, which can help a recovering alcoholic escape the cycle of soaring and crashing blood sugar that they were used to experiencing while drinking excessively. Potatoes are also full of fiber and other nutrients and can help you fight off cravings.

While you are recovering from addiction, it is important to make sure that your body is being nourished and that you are receiving proper nutrition for your body to begin healing. Sober living homes are also helpful during recovery. Contact us at Tharros House to find out more about what we offer.

mindfulness for sobriety in Boston Massachusetts sobriety home

How Mindfulness Helps with Addiction Recovery

If you are working toward recovery from an addiction of any kind, you already know it can be an uphill battle. Fortunately, there are some techniques you can use and different approaches you can try to help you on your path to recovery.

Mindfulness and Addiction Recovery

One approach to addiction recovery is mindfulness therapy. Mindfulness is a state of mental awareness that is used frequently in the practice of meditation as well as cognitive behavioral therapy. The goal of mindfulness is for you to become aware of what is going on around you without becoming too attached to your experiences.

Achieving mindfulness requires self-discipline in order to get yourself to focus on the present instead of getting caught up in thoughts about the past and the future. Mindfulness can help you as you work to overcome your addiction because it forces you to focus on the present and to take in your surroundings rather than dwell on past mistakes or get anxious about the future.

When you experience mindfulness, you focus on the joys of the world around you in the moment. This brings you a natural feeling of pleasure and can help stop you from seeking out pleasure by falling back into your old habits of addiction. Entering a state of mindfulness can also give you an opportunity for self-reflection. This self-reflection can help you process what is going on around you and help you stay on the path to recovery from your addiction.

Practicing Mindfulness at the Tharros House

At Tharros House, we offer guided mindfulness meditation, and connect our clients with outside mindfulness groups if they find this technique useful.  There are also many other opportunities for exploring new tools in recovery. Contact us today to discuss what we offer in more detail and to find out if Tharros House is the right fit for you.

addiction recovery boston Massachusetts

Addiction Recovery

Recovering from addiction can be a difficult process.  The path to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is never quite the same for any two individuals.  When looking into rehabilitation and recovery programs for yourself or for a loved one, you will recognize some common steps.

Getting Sober and Drug-Free

To begin with, a person choosing to fight their addiction to become sober and drug-free needs a strong desire and serious determination to get clean.  If you are seeking help for a friend or family member fighting an addiction, it is important to realize that your loved one must be completely on board with the concept of recovery if they are to have a true chance at beating the addiction and staying sober.  If they have not realized that they have a true problem, you may need to have an intervention.

Starting the Path to Recovery

The early stage of recovery typically involves a detox of alcohol and drugs in order for the person suffering from the addiction to remove the unwanted chemicals and substances from their body.  The next step usually involves intense addiction recovery therapy.  Often, the recovery therapy can take anywhere from 28 to 90 days.  A recovery therapy program can provide the tools that are necessary to remain substance-free.

After leaving a rehab program, it is advisable to join a support group for recovering addicts.  Another way to continue with sobriety that may be beneficial for many people is to spend some time residing in a recovery home, or sober living facility.  The former addict will learn the tools they need to stay away from drugs and alcohol through relapse prevention taught in recovery programs, as well as learning healthy coping skills to continue their path to full recovery.

The Tharros House is a sober living home in Lexington, Massachusetts.  This sober living facility is designed to help individuals who are committed to maintaining sobriety live in a safe environment for recovery.

man in backpack thinking about addiction recovery programs

Types of Addiction Recovery Programs

There are many different types of addiction recovery programs out there.  For someone who is working to recover from an addiction, it is important to consider the pros and cons of the different programs in order to choose the best option for their individual needs.  A few of the addiction recovery programs available are explained below.

Alcohol Anonymous: This program is a 12-step program that provides support and guidance in the form of a support group for the recovering addict as well as their family and loved ones.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT):  Cognitive Behavior Therapy has been shown to be effective at using an understanding of how thoughts influence behavior and emotions to manage addiction.  It also works to change the underlying thoughts of an individual that contribute to the maintenance of the addiction.

Detoxification (Detox): A detox program involves a patient going through the withdrawal process being monitored and treated with necessary medications in order to manage the symptoms that occur during withdrawal.  A detox can be done on an outpatient or inpatient basis.  This is not a complete type of treatment and should be followed up with additional treatment methods.

Family Therapy:  Family therapy involves a therapeutic approach that takes into account the recovering addict’s family’s strengths and resources in order to help the individual live their life without the use of alcohol or drugs.  This method seeks to reduce the consequences of addiction on both the substance abuser and their family.

Group Therapy: Group therapy uses a group setting to provide positive peer-to-peer support and assistance and coping techniques.  This type of therapy can be more cost-effective than others.  Group therapy is often used in inpatient and outpatient facilities in addition to individualized therapy treatments.

These are just a few of the many addiction treatment methods out there.  Each person going through the recovery process will need to weigh their options and choose the best method for their own recovery.