Woman relaxing with a cup of coffee

Relaxation Techniques for Times of Stress

One way you can help manage your feelings of stress is to begin practicing relaxation techniques. When you think about relaxing, the first thing that comes to mind might be enjoying a hobby or experiencing peace of mind. However, there is much more to it than that.

What Does Relaxation Do for Me?

Relaxation is a process that allows you to decrease the amount of stress on your body. By incorporating relaxation techniques as a daily part of your life, you can learn to cope with everyday stressors better. Additionally, relaxation techniques are useful in helping you manage long-term stress or health issues caused by stress—such as heart disease.

Relaxation Techniques to Work On

Many different relaxation techniques can be effective, so it is vital to find the right ones for you. Below are some standard relaxation techniques.

  • Visualization – To use this relaxation technique, simply begin visualizing mental images that allow you to imagine a peaceful and calm setting. It is helpful to sit somewhere comfortable and quiet and to close your eyes.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation – When using the progressive muscle relaxation technique, you begin by tensing and then slowly relaxing each group of muscles. This process helps you become more aware of physical sensations and learn to distinguish between tensing and relaxing.
  • Autogenic Relaxation – With this relaxation technique, you will use both awareness of your body and visual imagery to reduce your stress levels. Simply repeat phrases or words in your mind that help you relax and reduce muscle tension. For example, think about being somewhere peaceful and focus on breathing in and out slowly and lowering your heart rate.

Relaxation techniques are a simple way you can work on reducing your stress levels.

Tharros House

Tharros House is a sober living community in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Contact us today to learn more about what we have to offer.

Sober Living in Boston Massachusetts

Holistic Treatment Program for Addiction

Holistic drug treatment is one form of addiction treatment used in rehabilitation centers in the United States.  While there is no body of research confirming this is an effective method of treatment, there is some research that indicates that a person’s satisfaction with their treatment is a motivating factor to continue treatment and finish with a program, which is a major factor in achieving recovery in the long-term.

What is a Holistic Treatment Program?

A study done by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health found that more than one third of adults in the United States use a form of holistic medicine.  Holistic rehab programs use a mental, physical, and spiritual model in order to treat addiction and substance abuse.  These types of techniques are generally referred to as alternative treatments and tend to be based on practices close to nature or practices that come from cultural traditions.  Some examples of holistic treatment include massage, yoga and meditation, herbal medicines, acupuncture, and Reiki and other forms of energy work.

Goals of Holistic Treatment

Holistic treatment has the goal of treating the whole person instead of just one aspect of a person’s symptoms or their behaviors.  Effective treatment for addiction should address the individual as whole rather than just the behavioral aspects of the person’s addiction.  This is because the goal of the treatment is to address all of the underlying reasons that helped cause the destructive behavior to begin in the first place.

Tharros House

An effective form of recovery support is staying at a sober living home.  Tharros House is one such sober living home located in Lexington, Massachusetts.  Tharros House residents have the benefit of a support group plus access to counseling services.  Many people suffering from addiction can benefit from participating in a sober living home as part of their recovery process.